Putting our region's cancer needs first


We invite applications from principal investigators with a track record of successful PhD supervision, to submit proposals for this funded PhD studentship award. We seek to fund 2-3 PhD studentships of up to £110,000 each, including a stipend of up to £21,000 for the student for 3.5 years, or part-time equivalent if appropriate.

researcher and health professional

Applications should be made from researchers who have a track record in supervising PhD students but applications are invited from academics working in a wide variety of different areas of cancer research. These include the following:

  • Cancer Biology and Pathophysiology
  • Cancer Therapeutics and Precision Medicine
  • Population health, public Health and Cancer Inequalities including the lifestyle and environmental factors which increase cancer risks
  • Cancer and Ageing
  • Palliative Care
  • End of Life Care
  • Improving care and support for people living with and beyond cancer
  • Cancer Prevention
  • The early detection of cancer including biomarkers

It is likely that at least one of these will be awarded in an area of fundamental science, with a second award in an area of applied research.

Applications for this funding round are open to researchers across the United Kingdom. In making their applications, researchers should consider the relevance of their application to the people of the North-West of England and North Wales. This could mean overall incidence or that the particular cancer type is more common or associated with poor outcomes within the region.

Applications must be submitted in line with call guidance and appendix A if required. (Click to download)

All applications will undergo rigorous external peer and scientific review. The details of panel members will be made available to view once confirmed.

This funding round closed at 5pm on Monday 12th August 2024.


Download and Apply

Application Guidance

Please download and refer to the guidance document when completing your application form.


Application Form

Please download the application form and appendix A, complete and submit by 5pm on Monday 12th August 2024, in a single PDF.
