Lab Coat Learning
No matter the subject, learning should never EVER be boring!

No matter the subject, learning should never EVER be boring!
That's why we've made our Lab Coat Learning programme a fun, interactive way to give young people knowledge about cancer.
Designed to mix important health messages with promoting STEM subjects, it's the perfect way to brighten any school day.
Want an interactive session for younger children? Then, our ever-entertaining mascot Hope Bear has got you covered!
Looking for exciting experiments to show teens the impact of smoking, vaping and alcohol on health? We can do that too!
Because Lab Coat Learning is all about being exciting, engaging and, most importantly, educational for all ages.
With sessions such as From Gums to Bums, which shows the journey of food through the body - and ends in 'poo', much to the children's delight! - we help promote healthy eating in a way that lives long in the memory.
Our Sun Safety Ninja Academy challenges children to complete secret missions to keep their families safe, giving them vital knowledge about the pros and cons of sun exposure. It's as easy as UV-A, UV-B and UV-C!
And we can even take a deep dive into cell division by allowing students to extract DNA from strawberries.
We believe learning what cancer is doesn't have to be dull or daunting. That's why our mix of hands-on experiments and investigations enables children to have fun getting to grips with science whilst complimenting their existing classroom-based learning.
Lab Coat Learning gives kids the tools and insights to make healthy choices and the confidence to become health champions for their families and communities.
This cross-curricular programme of lessons and resources are delivered virtually or face-to-face and fits all needs and abilities.
So get your school involved today!
"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I'll learn." - Benjamin Franklin.