

We invite applications from researchers for projects which seek to make improvements to existing cancer diagnosis techniques, patient treatments, knowledge and understanding to a practical application.

Drs with patients

These projects should focus on the improvement of cancer outcomes through better treatment, service developments and/or improving the patient experience of diagnosis, treatment and living with and beyond cancer. The application must work directly with patients, caregivers, or health-care professionals.

Applications may consider:

  • Cancer treatments
  • Practices around the care and management of patients and services
  • Improvements in cancer prevention and education
  • Health economics and the impact of health policies/regulations
  • Cancer and aging
  • Palliative care
  • Improving care, treatment, (pre)rehabilitation, and support for people living with and beyond cancer
  • Assessment of healthcare needs and measurement of outcomes through the delivery of a novel intervention 

People and patients should be at the heart of your application. Applications should show evidence of patient and public involvement in the creation of the proposal. Applications using bio-banked samples will not be accepted in this funding round. The Charity reserves the right to transfer applications forward to a more suitable call.

Please note: For any applications focusing specifically on cancer inequalities including the impact of poverty and deprivation on cancer prevalence, outcomes and access to services in our region, there is a separate call addressing this. We welcome conversations with researchers to help understand which call would be best suited to an application.

Applications for this funding round are open to academics, researchers, clinicians, and others across the United Kingdom. In making their applications, researchers should consider the relevance of their application to the people of the North West of England and North Wales. This could mean overall incidence or that the particular cancer type is more common or associated with poor outcomes within the region.

Applicants may be from academic, healthcare, social care or other sectors. We encourage collaborations between institutions and NHS organisations and encourage collaborative applications within our regional footprint.

The Applied Research call accepts grant proposals of up to three years. For this funding round, applications are encouraged in the following categories:

  • £0 - £50,000
  • £50,001 - £100,000
  • £100,001 - £275,000

Although it is expected that one award will be made in each of the above categories, funding will ultimately be provided to the best quality research. Researchers should be mindful of the current resources available to North West Cancer Research and ensure that all applications provide good value for money. All applications will be equally considered, regardless of whether funding is requested at the higher or lower end of the funding budget.

Applications must be submitted in line with call guidance and appendix A if required.

All applications will undergo rigorous external peer and scientific review. Panel members will be made available to view once confirmed.

This funding round will close at 5pm on Monday 26th February 2024.

Please ensure all applications are a single document PDF. Other file types may be rejected for submission once received. 


Application Guidance

Please download and refer to the the guidance document when completing your application form.


Application Form

Please download the application form and appendix A, complete and submit by 5pm on 26th February 2024 in a single PDF.


Appendix A

Please download the Appendix A document to support your application.
