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Food & Film Night

Join North West Cancer Research at Mason's Liverpool for our first food and film night - Grease is the Word!

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Sponsored by LEX Cosmetic Clinic

📽 Film & Food Night 📽 
🍸 Mason's Liverpool 🍸
📅 Thursday 20th October 2022, 6pm 📅
🎬 Grease 🎬
💷 £20pp - film, food and fizz 💷
🎤 Entertainment on the evening 🎤

Join us for a movie night with a cause - we'll have food and fizz waiting for you while you watch classic favourite, Grease! 

A raffle will be held during the event, with fabulous prizes including a meal for 2 with wine at Mason's, a Carvela bag, and a range of prizes from Lex Cosmetic Clinic. 










Join us for Food & Film Night!

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