Don't Ignore The Signs
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the UK - and the North West's incidence rate is 4% higher than the rest of England. But catching it early can make a difference.

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the UK - and the North West's incidence rate is 4% higher than the rest of England. But catching it early can make a difference.
A change in the appearance or feel of your boobs could be a sign of breast cancer... or maybe not.
Checking your boobs regularly, knowing what is normal for you and seeing a doctor if anything doesn't feel right makes sense and can help with early detection.
Join our online movement @northwestcancerresearch #dontignorethesigns #breastcancerawareness
Our handy awareness posters are great for reminding your colleagues or staff to stay ahead of their health by checking for changes.