
Lab Coat Learning

Lab Coat learning is an innovative programme of cross-curricular lessons and resources which can be delivered either virtually or face-to-face and will give young people the knowledge, tools and insight needed to make healthy life-choices for themselves as well as the confidence needed to become ‘health champions’ for their families and communities.


Lab Coat Learning mixes vital health messages with the promotion of STEM subjects, engaging children with science at a young age.

Our mix of hands-on experiments and investigations enables the children to get to grips with science in a fun way whilst complimenting their existing classroom-based learning.  Amongst the topics covered include components of a cell, DNA, cell growth and division, apoptosis, UVA and UVB rays, cancer knowledge, terminology and research methods.

We want the children of our region to know how to make healthy choices and lifestyle changes so each child is given a take home pack that includes information that can be shared with families and friends to help influence healthy choices in the home.

Lab Coat learning lessons are designed to fit all needs and abilities and a separate welsh language version will be created for schools that would prefer this option.

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