Southport's Summer Success
Southport Committee has once again had a stellar summer with two of their most popular fundraising events.

Southport Committee has once again had a stellar summer with two of their most popular fundraising events.
Up first was their famous Summer Sparkle event, held at the home of the generous Mr and Mrs N Roy in Ainsdale.
Guests gathered in the beautiful gardens for the event, and were treated to a glass of fizz upon arrival before enjoying homemade canapés.
The guests socialised and took part in a lively raffle, all set to the music of a U3A ukelele group, and raised an impressive £2,100.
Following the Summer Sparkle was the Committee’s ever popular Afternoon Tea. Held at Hillside Golf Club, guests were treated to a full afternoon tea including sandwiches, sweet treats and, of course, scones.
Entertainment was provided by Julie West, a former winner of New Faces, who sang lively classic tunes to get guests up on their feet.
The event also marked one of the last times longstanding Committee Chair, Olive Cutts, would be leading a fundraising event for the Charity.
North West Cancer Research Chair, Catherine Jones, CEO, Alastair Richards and Honorary President, Nigel Lancley, were all in attendance to congratulate Olive on her many years of dedication and service to the Charity.The Charity representatives expressed their thanks before presenting Olive with a retirement gift and flowers.
Olive said: “Everything I have done and contributed to North West Cancer Research has come from my heart. My reward has always been the advancement and expertise of cancer research, which saved my son’s life – that was the greatest gift I could ever receive.
“Giving something in life is far greater than receiving and it has been an honour and a privilege to serve on the Southport Committee and a joy to work alongside all the other ladies.”