Relocating Researchers
Prof Jason Parsons’ team of North West Cancer Research funded researchers at University of Liverpool have been busy relocating their lab to their new home at the University.

Prof Jason Parsons’ team of North West Cancer Research funded researchers at University of Liverpool have been busy relocating their lab to their new home at the University.
Although the team have only moved a five-minute walk away to the William Henry Duncan building (WHD), the packing down of their original lab and careful moving of thousands of pounds worth of equipment, from small pipettes to industrial fridges, has been a precise military-style operation.
The move means that all of the Head and Neck oncology research groups will be together in the same building, making it a lot easier to share facilities, collaborate on projects and discuss exciting advancements taking place.
The new labs are purpose built and fitted with head and neck research in mind, with tissue culture facilities to grow tumour models and specialised rooms for microscopy, radiation, imaging and microbiology work.
Gabrielle Grundy, Research Fellow, said of the move: “We’ve tried to keep our projects going during the move, with a bit of extra time for reviewing data, organizing and planning new experiments to do in the new labs.
“I’m most looking forward to being able to collaborate with the other teams easily and share ideas or updates on our projects, so it’s a really exciting time for the team.”
Prof Jason Parsons added: “The new state of the art laboratory facilities within the WHD are bespoke to the needs of the major groups who now occupy the space. This will enhance our research capabilities and aid in our long-term goals of increasing treatment outcomes and survival of head and neck cancer patients.”