Putting our region's cancer needs first

Liverpool Radio Engineer Takes on Mammoth Marathon Challenge for Local Cancer Research

A runner from Liverpool is preparing to take on his first London Marathon in aid of North West Cancer Research, with a challenging twist.

kevin white and london marathon logo

48-year-old Kevin White will join up to 50,000 runners to complete the famous course on Sunday 23rd  April, but not before completing an additional cycling challenge on his way to the capital.

Kevin, who has smashed his fundraising target of £2,000 and is well on his way to reaching £3,000, is planning to cycle from his home in Liverpool to London, before donning a 40lb backpack to run the London Marathon course.

The cycle to the capital, which will take three days, will include two overnight stops in Shawbury and Cirencester to recuperate after tackling at least 100 miles each day. Kevin’s route will see him set off in Liverpool and pass-through locations including Northwich, Shrewsbury and the Cotswolds before he takes to the streets of London for one of the world’s biggest marathons. Once over the finish line, Kevin will be met by his wife and colleagues from London.

Kevin said of his upcoming challenge: “Taking on the London Marathon has been on my mind for a while, but I wanted to add something extra to really amp up the sponsorship I could raise. It’s a great way to get myself back into cycling, which I used to enjoy regularly and completing the course with a weighted backpack was something I used to do a lot in the military, so I thought ‘why not?’ 

“I’m so grateful for the support that’s flooded in from friends, family and co-workers as I’ve travelled round our different offices. It’s brilliant to be able to raise so much for such a vital cause and help make a difference to the future of cancer in our region. We recently lost a close family member to lung cancer and felt really supported by the cancer care system throughout, so it means a lot to me and my family to be able to give back.”

Alastair Richards, CEO of North West Cancer Research, said: “Taking on the London Marathon is no small task so we are blown away by Kevin’s mammoth challenge and it’s brilliant to see such a feat of endurance as he raises much needed funds for cancer research right here in the North West.

“We’re extremely grateful to Kevin for his efforts and the funds raised will be a huge help when it comes to advancing our work across the region to prevent and treat cancer effectively.”

North West Cancer Research is an independent charity dedicated to putting the region’s cancer needs first by funding life-saving research and education to tackle the cause, improve the care and find the cure for cancer.

Donations can be made via Kevin’s JustGiving page: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/kevin-white32