
Heather Harley's Great North Swim

Heather Harley, a live-in support worker from Milnthorpe in Cumbria, has taken to two Lancashire lakes, raising over £400 for cancer research projects in the area.

Heather at the end of her swim

Taking on the Great North Swim in Lake Windermere, Heather joined 10,000 others for the weekend-long celebration of open-water swimming. She opted for the 1 mile challenge, which is the equivalent of 64 lengths in a 25 metre pool. Heather replicated her challenge at another Lake District spot, swimming 1 mile of Derwent Water lake, before boosting her fundraising with a car boot sale.

Heather said: “We had a lovely warm day for the Great North Swim, but Derwent was a lot rougher and colder, which really challenged me!

“I lost my eldest brother Norman to brain cancer so the swims were dedicated to him as he loved to swim and was always ready for a new challenge.”