
Don't Ignore the Signs - Breast Cancer Campaign

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the UK, and the North West’s incidence rate is 4% higher than the rest of England. But catching it early can make a difference.

neon bra sign

This year we set out to normalise the conversation around breast cancer for young women in the North West with our Don’t Ignore the Signs campaign. With bold artwork and simple messages, we left a lasting impression to help catch breast cancer signs early and save lives.

The campaign featured poster designs, each highlighting a different symptom, which were put up in various high traffic venues. Artwork also appeared digitally on bus shelters across North West cities.

The campaign used social media advertising, with video content displaying the symptoms delivered to young women on Facebook and Instagram. The social media activity was supported by a wide range of influencers across the North West, including radio hosts, footballers, personal trainers, artists and musicians, who created their own content in support of the campaign.

Charlotte, Fundraising and Engagement Officer for North West Cancer Research, spoke to BBC Radio Lancashire, Merseyside and Manchester about the campaign and encouraged women of all ages across the North West to get to know their bodies and check for changes regularly.

See more about the campaign, visit nwcr.org/dontignorethesigns