Outreach on the Road
The North West Cancer Research team have been out on the road with a full set of of Lab Coat Learning outreach activities aimed at educating school-age kids to make healthier choices.
The North West Cancer Research team have been out on the road with a full set of of Lab Coat Learning outreach activities aimed at educating school-age kids to make healthier choices.
The team have visited schools, Scouts and RotaKids groups across Merseyside and
Lancashire with innovative sun-safety and healthy eating sessions.
The hands-on experiments and activities enable children to get to grips with health in a fun way, exploring and understanding the science behind the messages.
Sun safety sessions include ‘Sun Safe Ninja’ workbooks for the older kids, full of cryptic
puzzles and missions they must complete in order to earn their ‘Sun Safe Ninja’ certificate, while the younger kids are introduced to Hope Bear and encouraged to help her prepare for her holidays in the sun, including weather appropriate clothing that will protect Hope from the sun’s harmful UV rays. The kids learn the importance of SPF and how to protect their skin in the sun.
Healthy eating sessions introduce the kids to the different food groups with the ‘eatwell’ plate and encourage them to consider how decisions they make now about their lifestyles will impact on them at a later stage. They’ll then recreate the digestive system and get hands on with a poo-making workshop that demonstrates how our bodies use the food we eat and turn the rest in to waste.
Hope Bear is on hand once again to guide the younger kids through a Teddy Bear’s Picnic, where they can choose the healthiest options for Hope to snack on.
Not content with touring kids’ groups and schools, the Charity team also recently
visited Africa Oyé, the UK’s largest celebration of African music and culture.
We were on hand with free sun cream to make sure all festival goers were protecting
their skin from the sun while out and about. We also brought our poo workshops on
the road with us as well as UV bracelet and keyring making activities.
Tessa, North West Cancer Research Fundraiser and Engagement Officer, has been top of the class for visiting schools and local groups and said: “It’s been really lovely to get back out in to the community and do some of our Labcoat Learning Sessions again. It’s a nice change of pace for the kids and they get to have fun while learning something really valuable.
“Hope Bear is always a huge hit, the younger kids love dressing her up and deciding the best outfit for a sunny day. They’re not going to forget a poo workshop anytime soon either, so we know the health messages will stay with them too!”
If you want us to visit your school or community group with our outreach and education workshops, get in touch! Email [email protected] with the subject ‘Lab Coat Learning’.