
Liverpool Cancer Research Institute (LCRI)

Transforming collaborative cancer research in Liverpool for patient benefit.

The Liverpool Cancer Research Institute (LCRI) is a new strategic initiative which aims to consolidate the existing strengths in biomedical and translational cancer research in Liverpool, grow its capability and accelerate the translation of research into improved patient outcomes.

At the heart of the endeavour is a three-way partnership between the region’s three biggest stakeholders in cancer research, namely the University of Liverpool, Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust and North West Cancer Research, working alongside Liverpool Health Partners.

The Director of Liverpool Cancer Research Institute is Professor Andrew Pettitt and Dr Matina Tsalavouta is the Head of Strategic Planning and Engagement.

With one in two predicted to get cancer in their life-time, cancer is internationally agreed as one of the challenges of our time. Within the UK, cancer incidence in Liverpool is higher than in most comparable cities. Bringing together our excellent multidisciplinary research community, we aim to transform collaborative cancer research to benefit patients.